The Church’s Autonomy in Danger

Herd immunity achieved in Brooklyn Jewish community?


The Jewish community in New York is now experiencing the benefits of herd immunity because they found the restrictive rules impossible to follow and live properly. In this picture they are opening a park for their kids to play in instead of hunkering at home.

Is it time to hunker down, or is it time to rise up? I am a strong believer in conducting our lives as Christians in a careful prayerful manner. How are we as Christians to respond in this era of COVID-19? If your answer was carefully and prayerfully, then you were correct. But after four months, if you have been in prayer, shouldn’t we have some answers? If not then maybe you have been asking God the wrong questions. The questions we don’t need answered to are about what God is going to do. The question we need answered is what are we supposed to do.

Maybe we need to ask ourselves some questions first: Such as do we fear God or do we fear people? Do we care more about man’s approval or God’s approval of our conduct and speech? Do we place man’s authority above God’s authority?

We as Americans are privileged to have a constitution that was intended to guarantee that our government could not usurp the authority of God: “Congress shall make no law …”. Now, in violation of the first amendment and the Word of God, we are being dictated to as to how, where, and when we can meet together to worship God. Should we just do the best we can under the authoritative rule of the usurpers of law, or should we rise up and do what the Scripture instructs us to do and forsake not our meetings as we see the day of His returning drawing closer?

Because of time and space and the short attention span of present day readers I will not go into all the details that reveal the foolishness of people to believe that those pushing their agendas have your best interest at heart. Trust God, not man.

Paul encouraged us to live lawfully, and he did. But that did not mean that he submitted to every demand of those rulers who usurped the authority that was higher than theirs. I guess that is why he ended up in prison so often and was beaten, stoned, and shipwrecked. The encouragement in the Scripture is to stand firm, going forth with the gospel of Christ. I cannot seem to find any place where it infers that we ought to hunker down and wait for all danger to pass.

If every church and their leaders would stand up united and stand firm in our right and duty to keep the churches open, then we would not be in our present predicament. I am afraid that when we look back on this time in history, we will recognize a lost opportunity to maintain our freedom and preserve the autonomy of Christ’s Church in America. Ironically our President is making a better defense for our churches than most of our pastors.

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