
Thank God for Mothers.  We do well to to set aside a day every year to honor mothers.  Honoring mothers is incorporated into the first commandment with promise.  “‘honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your god has commanded you, that your days may be prolonged and that it may go well with you on the land which the LORD your god gives you.” (De 5:16 NAS95)

I present the following poem I wrote several years ago in honor of mothers and their love.


                A Mother’s Love


In the pain of travail a babe was born.

The dark of the night is gone at morn.

The hope dimmed by pain , by the trial she faced,

Turns to a smile of joy, by love replaced


Now there is more work in the days that lie ahead.

Nights walking the floor, when you should be in bed.

There are diapers, feeding, and dresses out of style.

But a coo of contentment make it all worth while.

From baby to toddler, a mother gives much.

But amply rewarded by a hug, kiss, or a touch.

Walking and talking, a toddler he grows.

Mom as his teacher, a new baby to show.

With more children, more work to be done.

But there’s plenty of love for each special one.

The fighting and fussing make some days so long.

But a peaceful sleeping child inspires a song.

Lying, cheating, dealing with sin again and again.

I’m sorry, forgive me, and we’re back on track again.

They’re growing, and going, and then they are gone.

Then finally it’s quiet, mom’s all alone.

Now they’re building families all of their own.

Eternal structures built with the same blessed stones.

Time and distance may separate, but it doesn’t matter where.

They’ll never outdistance their mothers prayers.


Oh blessed mother, with fulfilled goals.

Who’s investments have been in eternal souls.

Who’s children to the Lord Jesus were led.

When on her knee, God’s word she read.

No greater comfort or happiness there can be,

Than the spiritual birth of her children she would see.

For Jesus, oh mother will most understand.

For he too was part of God’s wonderful plan.


In the pain of travail a babe was born.

The dark of the night is gone at morn.

The hope dimmed by pain by the trial he faced.

Turns to a smile of joy, by love replaced.


Bob Gunderson

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