Half Full or Half Empty?

“You must be a person who sees the glass as half empty”, someone once told me. In other words this person was suggesting that I was a pessimist. I prefer to think of myself as a realist. If the glass is being filled, then it is half full. If the glass is being emptied then it is half empty.

While it is true that most of the time it is more enjoyable being around an optimist than a pessimist, there is danger in attempting to look at all of life through either of these lenses. As a farmer is harvesting his crops he is aware that his bin may be half full and continues to work, for he knows winter is coming. Some may view him as pessimistic because he doesn’t think half full will be enough to see him through winter. Later, when winter is nearly over he sees his bin as half empty and some people may think of him as pessimistic. But it is his realistic view of his bin that inspires him to prepare to plant a new crop, so that when his bin is empty he will have produce to fill it.

The farmer is a realist. He also has a persistent optimism that is fueled by faith and obedience. He has confidence that if he will do his part and plant his best seed, then God will cause it to grow and multiply. It is also important that he has a healthy pessimism and recognizes when the bin is half empty.

It is the same in every area of our life; realistic optimism is the product of faith and obedience. We have every reason in the world to be optimistic if we trust God and live according to His instructions. But we have every reason to be pessimistic if people choose to trust their own understandings and ignore the wisdom that comes from above. It will not end well for these people.

Our recent pandemic brings these issues to the surface. Optimists are looking toward governments and scientists for answers and direction. Optimistically they declare, “We will get through this together.” Pessimists are hiding in homes and behind masks. Some are taking their own lives. Some are neglecting tending to the necessities of life out of fear. Fear has brought many into submission to those who seek to rule. Fear has supplanted logic and reason and it seems like the whole world has fallen under the spell of the evil one.

As a realist I retain a realistic optimism, because I have faith in Jesus Christ. If I trust God and live according to His Word, then it will go well with me. I am also optimistic because of the mercy of God that is extended to those who are in ignorance of His mercy and grace. I am optimistic because God answers the prayers of His children. I am optimistic because everyone who puts their faith in God and lives according to His Word will be saved. But I also have a realistic pessimism. Unless people wake up and realize that this fear is being used as a tool to strip us of our liberty, our nation as established by our forefathers is dead. If we continue in this spirit of tyranny that has swept our country, as a country we will never recover. This is the spirit of anti-Christ.

I am a realistic optimist because of one small word that occurs over and over in the Scripture. That word is “IF”: If my people …, If you repent…, If you are willing … My faith is established in what follows these ifs, because then God will do what we cannot do.

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