
How was your Christmas?

I have observed through the years the tremendous effort many people put into making Christmas day a success. Obviously when we consider all that is associated with Christmas and our celebrations and traditions around this time of year, there is a lot more going on here than can be contained with in a day. Christmas day is the culmination of this season of celebration. For many of us the day is spent with family and friends with gifts, fellowship, and a lot of good food.

The downside is that after our efforts to make this time special and meaningful, we often end up exhausted.  If we are not careful physical fatigue can lead to discouragement or even depression.  I believe the key to maintaining the joy of the season and riding it into the new year rests in our focus.  This exhortation from  the Apostle Paul guides our focus to those things that we need to focus on.

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.” (Php 4:8-9 AV)

The following poem I wrote several years ago after observing the effects of holiday stress.



Christmas day was almost nigh.
Our expectations were riding high.
Children’s hopes for presents and toys.
Fulfilled wishes would bring forth joys.
Hurried parent scurrying here and yon.
A few more shopping days until Christmas dawn.
Cleaning and baking, morning till night.
It’ll all be worth it when all is just right.

Then comes the dawn of that glorious day.
Merry Christmas we then hear everyone say.
We open the presents with everyone round.
Feasting, with all kinds of food, does abound.
Talking and laughter with family does ring.
Music fills the air as together we sing.
Is there anything that we have not done,
To some how make this day most fun?

The day after Christmas, the house is a mess.
Am I getting sick, or is it just stress.
Exhausted and worn from running too long.
We reflect on all the things that went wrong.
The toy that is broken, a sweater won’t fit.
Brother and sister will together not sit.
Expectations that had once run so high.
Seem dashed into pieces, left with a sigh.

Has anything ever met up to our expectation?
Has anything ever added up to our computation?
Things we get, things we do, and people we know,
Nothing ever happens exactly the way it should go.
Since the fall of mankind, this world’s never been good.
Do we really expect it to respond as it should?
If we expect it to be perfect, our expectations aren’t real.
Should we run with our ego and the things that we feel?

Then let us review things, and begin to think as we should.
For God is still with us, and we know that he is good.
Now all of the good thing that for us God gave,
And all that we’ve done, we’re not able to save.
Unless we look only for good and seek what is right.
Overcoming evil with good, and reflecting only God’s light.
Thanking God for each blessing to us he did bestow.
Enjoying life’s pleasures, that through him we now know.

Its not necessarily bad to have expectations of good.
But it won’t always come like we think that it should.
How many times have we missed blessings untold.
Because we were expecting OUR plan to unfold.
We didn’t enjoy Sam because Ted didn’t show.
Didn’t taste the Ham, it wasn’t a turkey you know.
Missed all the smiles, because one person frowned.
Saw only a flaw, when many glorious blessings abound.

Put God, His purpose, His will at the top of the slate
Our expectation were selfish, at best second rate.
If we love Him and trust Him with all of our heart
He’ll make all things work together, for good on our part.
Thank Him and praise Him as we know that we should.
God’s blessings surround us, if we’ll just look for His Good.
Don’t be robbed of the life, love, and joy Jesus brought .
By selfish expectation and the things we have not.

Jesus Christ, Emanuel, God with us, blessings from above.
God sent his Son to save our souls showing us His love.
Peace on earth, blessed truth, to those that would believe.
Love and life, peace and joy to those that would receive.
Trees, presents, bells and bows, pretty things are all around.
Serve yet to remind us that many good things do abound.
Precious things, holy things, goodly things, and godly things.
Gentle words, fill the air, with songs that families sing.
It’s not our work, or expectations that make Christmas a success.
A humble heart, a thankful spirit, it’s God who then can bless.


 Bob Gunderson

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