Christmas is for Children

They say, “Christmas is for children”, and I am inclined to agree.

One day Jesus called a little child and set that child before them. He said, “unless you become as little children, you will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. The person who humbles themselves as this little child will be greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.”

I pray that I never lose that childlike wonder of this marvelous event.

I can only imagine what it must have been like for the shepherds on that night as the angels announced Jesus birth. What was going on in the minds of those shepherds as they searched for a baby in a manger? What was it like when they finally found Joseph, Mary, and the baby in a manger? Did they exchange stories with Mary and Joseph? Did they wonder why God had chosen them to witness this monumental event?

A man, his wife, and a new born baby are very natural things. But the angel’s announcement, explanation, and direction to find this couple and their baby had opened the eyes of these simple shepherds. The revelation of who this baby was and what he was to accomplish changed what the shepherds saw. This was not just an interesting situation where a new born baby had a manger for his bed. This was the advent of the our Savior and the simple rustic setting only added to the wonder. Upon meeting this young couple and their new born baby their perception of wonder and awe only increased. They walked away rejoicing, relating to everyone what they had seen and heard.

We look back on this scene through the lens of history. Jesus is our Lord and Savior. He lived, He died, and he rose again. Through Him we have life. He is our connection to God. He is the revelation of God. He is our all in all. By Him were all things made. Because of Him we can have peace with God.

Our celebration at Christmas brings us back to that place and time experienced by the shepherds. Can we not, but for a few moments, consider this event in childlike simplicity. To consider the awesome wonder created by the angelic announcement. To view this small gathering around a babe in a manger in light of its tremendous significance. To bow in humble adoration of Him. To rejoice that God could and would and did reveal His love toward us in such a profound and simple way.

Christmas is for children, God’s children, and all those who would become His children.

Merry Christmas,

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