Category Archives: Sanctification

Study of Biblical sanctification

Half Full or Half Empty?

“You must be a person who sees the glass as half empty”, someone once told me. In other words this person was suggesting that I was a pessimist. I prefer to think of myself as a realist. If the glass is being filled, then it is half full. If the glass is being emptied then it is half empty.

While it is true that most of the time it is more enjoyable being around an optimist than a pessimist, there is danger in attempting to look at all of life through either of these lenses. As a farmer is harvesting his crops he is aware that his bin may be half full and continues to work, for he knows winter is coming. Some may view him as pessimistic because he doesn’t think half full will be enough to see him through winter. Later, when winter is nearly over he sees his bin as half empty and some people may think of him as pessimistic. But it is his realistic view of his bin that inspires him to prepare to plant a new crop, so that when his bin is empty he will have produce to fill it.

The farmer is a realist. He also has a persistent optimism that is fueled by faith and obedience. He has confidence that if he will do his part and plant his best seed, then God will cause it to grow and multiply. It is also important that he has a healthy pessimism and recognizes when the bin is half empty.

It is the same in every area of our life; realistic optimism is the product of faith and obedience. We have every reason in the world to be optimistic if we trust God and live according to His instructions. But we have every reason to be pessimistic if people choose to trust their own understandings and ignore the wisdom that comes from above. It will not end well for these people.

Our recent pandemic brings these issues to the surface. Optimists are looking toward governments and scientists for answers and direction. Optimistically they declare, “We will get through this together.” Pessimists are hiding in homes and behind masks. Some are taking their own lives. Some are neglecting tending to the necessities of life out of fear. Fear has brought many into submission to those who seek to rule. Fear has supplanted logic and reason and it seems like the whole world has fallen under the spell of the evil one.

As a realist I retain a realistic optimism, because I have faith in Jesus Christ. If I trust God and live according to His Word, then it will go well with me. I am also optimistic because of the mercy of God that is extended to those who are in ignorance of His mercy and grace. I am optimistic because God answers the prayers of His children. I am optimistic because everyone who puts their faith in God and lives according to His Word will be saved. But I also have a realistic pessimism. Unless people wake up and realize that this fear is being used as a tool to strip us of our liberty, our nation as established by our forefathers is dead. If we continue in this spirit of tyranny that has swept our country, as a country we will never recover. This is the spirit of anti-Christ.

I am a realistic optimist because of one small word that occurs over and over in the Scripture. That word is “IF”: If my people …, If you repent…, If you are willing … My faith is established in what follows these ifs, because then God will do what we cannot do.

You Shall Be Holy

“As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, “YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.”” (1Pe 1:14-16 NAS)

In response to a plea to Christians that they should live righteous lives, a person stated the following: Holiness without grace is unattainable.

What does this statement mean? Have we received grace to live holy? If we have received grace have we attained holiness? Can we become holy without grace?

Since all have sinned it would then follow that without grace holiness is unattainable. The gospel states that if we repent of our sins that He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This is the grace that has come to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But the grace (or favor) of God does not end here for we receive God’s Holy Spirit when we are born again. As God’s children the grace of God continues to work in our lives enabling us to do as Peter instructs us, to be holy in all of our behavior.

There are two very distinct teachings as to how the grace of God works so we attain holiness. One popular version is that if we trust in God’s grace our sins will not be held against us. If we trust Jesus we can rely upon His righteousness. When God then looks at us He sees only Jesus righteousness and His atoning grace.

The other version is that God’s grace works through His Spirit to enable us to live holy or righteously. Since we begin as babes this process is an educational process just as it is when we raise our children. It will include teaching, exhorting, correcting, and various disciplines that may include rebuke, chastisement, and spanking. Our holiness then requires us to listen, learn, practice, and to be in submission to all of the disciplines of our Lord.

The first version has created a tendency for people to ignore the writings of the Old Testament, much of Paul’s writings, and the letters to the seven Churches. Instead the focus is placed upon worship and a craving for signs and wonders. Churches are filled with people seeking affirmation and an atmosphere that promises a spiritual high.

The second version requires more from us. We have to study to be filled with the knowledge of the Lord. We have to gain wisdom and experience by putting the knowledge of God to practice in our daily lives. We must seek understanding so that we have a heart like our Lord’s. And yes God’s grace is helping us in all these endeavors.

“Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily, to see whether these things were so.” (Ac 17:11 NAS)

It is easy to forget that the early Church did not have the New Testament scriptures. The Apostles teachings were accepted because when they were evaluated by the Old Testament scriptures they were found to be true. Today there are many would downplay the value of the Old Testament. For this reason many have no standard in which to gauge what is righteous and holy and are easily led astray. God and His righteousness forever remain the same. because it is written, “YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.”” (1Pe 1:14-16 NAS)




New Book is Now Available

My new book is now available. It is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Apple iBooks. It is available in paperback and kindle versions. In these divisive times it is important that we know where we stand and what we stand for. I have attempted to define the High Moral Ground. This is where we need to stand without compromise. If we cede the high ground as established by God we will be swept away in the vast plain of opinion and conjecture. If we stand firm we remain safe and secure and present a testimony of God grace and love before a dying world. Journey with my as we consider morality and its application in our world today.

Bob Gunderson


Thanksgiving to God

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving partaking of a bountiful feast and fellowship with family and friends.  Sadly this was not the case for many people this Country that was once permeated with reminders of our Christian heritage.  I viewed a video of a man on the campus of a small “Christian” college in Minnesota presenting the students with a question: Is it alright to celebrate Thanksgiving?  Unbelievably, many of them had a very poor opinion about the holiday.  Their disgust with the holiday had to do with the way in which Native Americans had been treated. I am sure that some of those events that had been presented to these students would have elicited a negative response from me too.  But coupling Thanksgiving to the negative treatment of Native Americans reveals a narrow, pointed, and very distorted view of history.  You would think that a Christian college would be more concerned with the state of many of the Native Americans today and focus students to the real solution to their dilemma that can only be found in Christ.

What does all of this have to do with Thanksgiving?   Many of those questioned mentioned the story of the Pilgrims that had been rehearsed to them in school.  The Pilgrims have been held up for many years as those who first celebrated Thanksgiving.  For many people the Pilgrims have been referred to as those who instituted our tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving.  A thorough examination of the history does show this to be somewhat true, but the simplified version that has been presented to school children can be misleading in some respects and lacking in the most important aspects.  Enter modern “scholarship” with ideological propaganda in mind.  By taking the most simplified version of the story intended for small children they are able to make the story seem almost mythical.  Then by focusing on the fact that the Pilgrims were some of the earliest settlers they load on the shoulders of the Pilgrims the responsibility of all the evil deeds that were ever done to Native Americans by people of European decent.  It doesn’t matter to these “scholars” that the Pilgrims settled on an unoccupied village site.  Nor does it matter to them that the Pilgrims lived in peace with nearby Native Americans for many many years.  What does matter to them is that they are intent upon tarnishing the reputation of those settlers who were instrumental in establishing a foundation on which our Nation was built.  That foundation was the Word of God.  The inspiration they drew from the Scripture inspired a culture respecting life and liberty for all  people.  A noble and righteous goal.

Again I ask, what does this have to do with Thanksgiving?  Absolutely nothing.  Rather it is an attempt to stir up covetousness, envy, pride and hatred.  Thanksgiving never was a celebration about Pilgrims.  Rather they were used as examples and forerunners of those who were thankful and expressed it with worship to God and sharing with their fellow man.  Thanksgiving has always been about our gratitude for the blessings that we have.  Thanksgiving has always been an acknowledgment that all of our blessings can be attributed to a loving God from which blessing flow.  For hundreds of years our Presidents, Governors, and leaders have reiterated in declarations and exhortations that we would as a people give thanks to God.  People have learned, in even the most dire circumstances, that we can find much to be thankful for.  Evil comes from the wickedness of men’s hearts, but goodness and blessing comes from God above.

Sadly many in this, the most prosperous economy the  world has ever known,  were led into a dark place of mourning.  Robbed of hope and gratitude for what they have and the grace and blessing that God wished to bestow on them, people are encouraged to grovel in self-pity and discontent.  While much of the world would have been thankful for just a biscuit and a little gravy, people in our economy are filled with hatred against people who are long dead and innocent of the charges against them.

How did we get here to a place where the young people of this country are so deluded and deceived?  I suppose we could list a thousand reasons, but the main reason is  in this simple story about the Pilgrims.  As this story was told and retold the most important element was eventually left out, and that was God.  The children of this country are being deprived of a knowledge of the God that our founders knew.  The knowledge of God is the beginning of knowledge.  Ignorance of God and His role in the story of man is detrimental for any understanding of the world in which we live.

Thanksgiving  is and has always been first and foremost about expressing our gratitude to our beneficent Father in heaven.  So sad that there are so many people in our Country that don’t know Him.  So sad that the joy of Thanksgiving that comes with recognizing our blessings is lost to so many people.  So sad that so many people don’t recognize and acknowledge those around us who have been avenues of God’s blessings to us.

From an attitude of gratitude,



Reflection About Jesus Birth

Christmas is the celebration of the most important event in all of our history.  Many of the aspects of this event are indeed extraordinary.  Encounters with angels, prophetic dreams containing instructions, an aged woman having her first child, a virgin conceiving, prophetic utterances, signs in the heavens, wise men from the east that correctly read the signs in the heavens, all these things are extraordinary in themselves.  It is also extraordinary that the details of these events were recorded hundreds of years before they transpired.

But if we consider the setting for this event it is extraordinarily ordinary.  A manger, in an animal shelter, in a small village, in hilly sheep country, at a time when the census is the talk of the town, all of this seems to be simply a plain ordinary setting.  But this is the place this incredible event took place.

If we consider the participants in this event, they don’t seem to be that impressive either: An old priest and his barren wife, a carpenter from Nazareth, a young maiden, shepherds, Magi from the east, Simeon (a devout old man), and Anna (an aged widow woman).  We don’t even know the names of the shepherds or of the Magi.  We know the names of Joseph, Mary, and the other participants in this unfolding event only because of this event.  These were for the most part just ordinary people living their ordinary lives until Heaven came down and glory filled their souls.

When we reenact this wonderful event we dress it up somewhat from what it must have been like.  We bring the clean hay and a new manger into the room, but leave the droppings where they lay.  Mary is well groomed in clean clothing, rather than showing the reality of a woman who had travel far on a donkey and had just given birth.  Joseph is tall and handsome.  The shepherds in their flowing robes don’t look like men who have just come from the fields during lambing season.  The wise men show up about one and a half years early, but it is ok because the stable is as clean as your kitchen anyway.  Even if we were able to accurately recreate this event, the setting and people would not seem as ordinary to us as it would have seemed for them.

It is in this humble setting among these ordinary people that this extraordinary event took place.  First we have the angel appearing to Zacharias as he ministers.  He is struck dumb because of his unbelief causing wonder among the people.  Then Elisabeth conceives in her old age.  An Angel appears to Mary and she accepts her role as mother of our Messiah.  Then there are the prophetic utterances by Elizabeth and Mary.  Then God communicates to Joseph in a dream instructing him to take Mary as his wife.  God used Caesar to situate Joseph in Mary in Bethlehem at the appointed time to fulfill prophesy. Place was found for Christ to be born in a stable.   God heralded the birth of His Son by angels to shepherds and directed them where to go.  Magi saw his star in the heavens and determined to go and worship Him.  Simeon and Anna were directed by the Holy Spirit to prophesy over the baby Jesus.  Extraordinary things were happening in this humble setting among ordinary people, because God had come to tabernacle among men.

I have referred to the participants in this event as ordinary people, and they were in one sense.  But in another sense they were distinguished.  The Scripture does not distinguish them by their physical traits or by special deeds that they had accomplished, or even special positions that they held.  Rather they were distinguished by their character traits.  For example: Zacharias and Elisabeth are referred to as both being righteous before I God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord, blameless.” (Lu 1:6 AV)   Likewise, all of these participants are righteous, faithful, and obedient to the leading of the Lord.  The things that distinguish these people have to do with their character.  The Scripture does not reveal any unique traits that any of these people were born with or special talents that they may have.

The character traits that distinguish the participants in this unfolding event are not the result of any special endowments.  Rather their distinguishing traits are the results of their response to the Word of God.  It is their faith and confidence in God’s Word that inspired them to live by the instruction handed down from heaven.  It was their love of God and obedience to his Word that formed the character of these people.  It was to this small group of faithful trustworthy people that God entrusted the care of His Son and to herald His coming.

It is noteworthy that the character traits of this small group of people are the traits that God wants to develop in all of His children.  Faithfulness and obedience to God’s Word should be the distinguishing traits foundational to everyone who carries the name of Christ.  It is not that God can’t use those people that seem to be endowed with features that attract people’s attention.  It is just that God seems to more often use just ordinary people who don’t have the burden of drawing attention to themselves.  Indeed anyone who is willing to walk in obedience to God following Christ will be used of God.  For the light and love of God are revealed to the World through those who live and walk in accord with the Law of God.  In a dark and sinful world these people may seem peculiar, but among those who love God they are common, common people who become participants in extraordinary events.

           Bob Gunderson



Early Edition

 What if you knew beyond a doubt what was going to happen tomorrow?  What would you do?  There are no easy answers for a guy who gets tomorrows news today.

This is the beginning dialogue of the TV program “Early Edition”.  As I was watching a re-run of this program I was reminded of the parallels we face every day.  In some ways our dilemma is a little more complicated than the TV character, Gary Hobson, had to face every episode.  The tomorrow’s news that we have been privy to usually isn’t as focused on a particular person or incident taking place at a given moment in time.  But there are some striking similarities between this TV program and real life that help me illustrate the reality of what Christians are facing in the World today.

We have been given an early edition of what is going to take place.  The Scripture gives us a good picture of what each one of us is facing in the future and it is not pretty.  We also are given a summary of the history leading up to our present time.  Because of historical accuracy of all that is written in this book we can from past history and personal experience, just like Gary, know beyond a doubt that what is predicted for the future will come to pass.

The forecast is for the future, yet we have been given this information today.  Why have we been given this information?  As Gary soon came to realize, we have been given this information because it is in our power to change the future through our actions today.

To put it in a nutshell, the information in this early edition tells us that all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  And what does that mean?

“For this you know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.” (Eph 5:5-6 NAS)

But this edition also tells us of the mercy of God and the provision He has provided for our salvation from the consequences of God’s wrath.

“”For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. “For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him.” (Joh 3:16-17 NAS)

So how do we take advantage of this grace that God has provided for us?  What does it mean to believe in God’s only begotten Son?  The answer to that is given to us in the Book of Acts.

“Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brethren, what shall we do?” And Peter said to them, “Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Ac 2:37-38 NAS)

I hope that you can see that the Scriptures tell us clearly tell us that because of sin our future destination is separation from God for eternity.  But God is revealing this future because He wants to change our future destination by giving us eternal life that comes through Jesus Christ.  By putting our trust in Jesus Christ we can literally change our future to be a glorious one where we dwell with God for all of eternity.

God has not given us power to change the revealed times and events.  For those are things that God has established to fulfill His purpose for mankind.  The revelations that have come through His Son Jesus Christ provide us with the opportunity to determine where we as individuals fit into these events.  Either we will be with those who share in the plan of God to live in fellowship with Him forever, or we will be recipients of the wrath of God that comes on those who are in rebellion to Him.

Paul speaks of this change in direction that alters our destiny.

And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest. But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus, in order that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Eph 2:1-10 NAS)

What if you knew beyond a doubt what was going to happen tomorrow?  What would you do?  There are no easy answers for a guy who gets tomorrows news today.

We need to take advantage of this early edition that God has given us.  I have revealed to you the easy answer for our personal future and how we can change our future destiny by putting our trust in Jesus.  The hard question is: How do we alter the future for other people who are destined for an eternity estranged from God?  God has provided Salvation for everyone, but every person’s salvation is contingent upon their repentance and trust in Jesus.  Although we cannot save anyone ourselves we can be instrumental in sharing the good news presented in the early edition.  The grace of God can come through us, that others may have knowledge of this salvation.  God’s Word clarifies the choice that stands before every person.  We can stand as witnesses encouraging people to choose life.  God has unfolded the events of the future before us.  We can either be on the train or be run over by it.

I must admit that at times I suffer frustration, much like Gary in the TV program.  The frustration comes in our attempts to convince others of the importance of the information that we have obtained.  But unlike the TV character, we can know peace by knowing that we have done what God has asked us to do.  The greatest part of this whole thing is experiencing joy when we witness others finding salvation as we have.

Thank God for the early edition!

                                                                                                                          Bob Gunderson

Hope For “Me Too”

The “Me Too” movement has definitely stirred the pot and exposed a small portion of the huge problem of sexual abuse in our society.  There is a cry for justice, vengeance, and a cultural change to stop the abuse.  This is a problem that will never be solved by our courts and our media.  But there is a solution if anyone would care to address it.

It is not like we haven’t been warned that we would end up in a situation like this.  There have been many voices over the last 50 years that predicted we would end up here.  But those voices have been stifled by misinformation and disinformation.  Because I have not seen many recent voices addressing this issue, I have proposed a solution for “Me Too” victims.  Since my solution is too long to put in a simple post I leave this address for those willing to read it. 


New Train, Old Train of Thought

NSW’s $2 billion new trains are too wide to get through tunnels

A NEW fleet of trains promises to offer greater comfort and safety. But a glaring error means they can’t even operate properly.

This story sparked an array of thoughts in my head.  My train of thoughts was more on a spiritual line though, kind of like “Pilgrim’s Progress” on a train.  These new trains are only .2 meters larger than the old ones, but still they have a big problem.  They cannot operate these new trains because there isn’t that much tolerance on the lines they will be traveling.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:” (Eph 2:8 AV)

Let me move the conversation over to our Christian journey.  When we become a Christian we start on a new journey going a different direction than we were before.  Our destination is a dwelling place with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, where we will live forever with Him.  There is every reason in the world to get on this train.  We live in a sin infested world that is scheduled for destruction.  The gospel train will bring us to a perfect place of peace and righteousness.

There are a lot of trains starting out in a lot of different directions, but there are only two destinations.  Either we end up with God for eternity, or we end up separated from Him for eternity.  Either we will dwell in peace and righteousness, or we will suffer the consequences of sin in hell.  Because these two destinations are so dramatically different and permanent, it would behoove us to get on the right train.

There is only one train going the right direction.  For this reason God marked the way very clearly so there would be no doubt.

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (Joh 14:6 AV)

Make no mistake about this, there is only one way, and that is by following Jesus.  Peter laid out the path of salvation simply and clearly on the day of Pentecost.  Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Those who had gathered on that day of Pentecost understood the word Peter was giving them.  They were acquainted with God’s Law and were confronted with their sin.  These are not mere word Peter is saying.  It is important that we understand repentance, baptism, and how God removes sin.  It is important that we understand the gift of the Holy Spirit and His importance in our life.  I won’t go into depth explaining these now for fear of you losing my train of thought.

What caught my eye in this story was that in manufacturing these new trains someone had neglected to pay attention to some unalterable standards.  These trains had to travel through tunnels and by objects at high speeds without a possibility of crashing to reach their destination.  The size of the train needed to be determined by the size of the tunnel, not the comfort of the passengers.  In an effort to modernize this train they forgot the most important feature, that it conforms to the standards of the route it was intended to travel.

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” (Mt 7:13-14 AV)

I hope you can see the parallel as you read this scripture.  Notice that it is a “strait gate”, not a straight gate.  Immovable objects create a strait.  Anything going through a strait must conform to that narrow opening because of things that are fixed.  That is the description of the gate that leads to eternal life, and the path that follows is likewise a narrow pathway.  It is because the gate is a strait that Jesus said that few would find it, because it is a standard that must be conformed to.

Going back to NSW’s 2 Billion dollar trains we will see that there are those people that are going to try to make the trains work.  First they propose lowering the standard for minimum clearance in tunnels.  Next they are going to notch the tunnels at strategic spots where the trains may lean while going around corners.  Problem solved, right?  I hope so, or people are going to crash and burn.

But on our Gospel Train no one is going to lower the standards and no one is going to notch the tunnels.  The strait and the narrow exist because of the very attributes of God.  God didn’t place obstacles to make the way harder.  Those obstacles are there because of who He is.  And it is because of those things that this way will safely lead us to eternal life and peace with God.  If we truly understood the commandments of God we would realize that their intent is not to restrict us, but to keep us safe and secure on our journey.

“Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.” (Lu 13:24 AV)

I have watched for many years now as people have tried to modernize the old Gospel Train.  It seems like as time goes on fewer and fewer people are getting on the old one.  A lot has been invested in making the new trains up to date and comfortable.  The problem is that in the process they have had to change the standards and the new train just won’t make it through the gate.  Still there are those that insist that they can make it work.  People often pile on these new trains that either aren’t going anywhere or are going down the wrong tracks.

If you follow the account in Matthew you will see two things that discourage people from getting on the right train.  First Jesus warns us about false prophets.  These are people who will tell you that you are on the right train when you are not.  They use flatteries and false promises enticing people by telling them what they want to believe.  Then there are the self righteous that have set their own standards of right and wrong.  They think that by attaining their own standard they will be able to get on the train.

But Jesus does not leave us wondering, ignorant of how to enter the gate and begin our journey to eternal life.  He clearly says that those who do the will of His Father are the ones through the gate.  He goes on to describe those people who go through the gate, as those who listen or hear His sayings and then do them.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:” (Eph 2:8 AV)

Bear with me for a little longer as we talk about the two things that are required for both entering the gate that leads to eternal life and finishing the journey that gets us there.  First there is faith; simply put it is putting our confidence in Jesus.  It is essential for salvation because we have to die and trust Him to raise us in newness of life.  Once we get started on the journey we need to keep trusting Him every step of the way because it isn’t always easy and we can’t see what is around the bend.  Saving faith is realized and exercised by three important elements: Belief, obedience, and faithfulness (steadfastness or endurance).  Saving faith gets us through the gate and keeps us on track until we reach our destination.

And then there is grace, the unmerited favor of God.  Christ died for us while we were yet sinners.  He died once for all of us.  Without the grace of the cross we could not get through the strait gate.  There is no room for sin to go through the gate.  That is why it is so hard to get through the gate.  We have to be stripped naked and our sin cleansed off of us, only the blood of Christ could do that for us.  The hard part for most people at this point is to be willing to let go of it all, in essence die to self.  The precious blood of Christ does not cleanse an unrepentant soul.

Once we make it through the Gate of Salvation we can rest assured we are on the right train.  But like any newborn we have a lot to learn and long journey ahead of us that is not without perils.  God grace continues to lift us, strengthen us, correct us, and guide us to our final destination.  The train we now ride on is not designed with all the comforts of heaven.  Its purpose is to get us to our destination safely.  A train bloated with frills would infringe upon the train’s standard minimum clearance for going through those tight spots.  The role of grace is revealed in God’s patience and longsuffering as we go through our maturing process.  His grace is also there if we sin, he is faithful and just to forgive us of our repented sin.  It is the grace of God that enables us to live righteously before Him.  That grace continually exposes itself in the form of instruction, correction, reproof, and forgiveness.

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2Ti 4:3-4 AV)

There is a new gospel being preached today and I am afraid the spirit of it has infiltrated many churches.  Jesus likened our salvation to a new birth.  You must be born again.  The dramatic nature of it caught Nicodemus by surprise.  But the new gospel is not nearly as dramatic.  It says, Jesus loves you and wants to be your friend.  People are drawn by a message of love and acceptance.  Trust Jesus and your life will be better.  People are encouraged to join in worship and praise to a God who loves you.  Since you have joined us and expressed your love to God you are a Christian and God is going to bless you.

Certainly this is a much gentler approach to the Gospel.  Avoiding the uncomfortable talk about sin and what it is or isn’t seems to be attracting more people.   Without expressing it in these words people have come to accept the evolutionary concept of salvation.  Gradually by the influence of the church and the conviction of the Holy Spirit people will gradually give up sin and sinning in their lives.  This is somewhat less dramatic than a new birth and a total repentance of sin.   But are these people really saved?

I am suggesting that the people on these more comfortable trains haven’t passed through the gate of salvation and are not on the tracks of eternal life that leads to heaven.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1Jo 1:9 AV)

It seems like the convenient gospel today embraces the forgiveness of sins now and delays the cleansing from all unrighteousness until we get to heaven.  It works out good for those who aren’t quite ready to give up all their unrighteousness.  Yet it provides them comfort that in the end it will be alright.  The problem is that it just doesn’t’ line up with Scripture.  Until we are cleansed from all unrighteousness we can’t even make it through the gate.  This comfortable train just can’t follow Jesus, it don’t fit.

The new 2 Billion dollar trains are a lot more comfortable that the old ones were, but they can’t legally take you to your destination.  Their dilemma is simply the results of people ignoring some basic unalterable standards.

Likewise the modern gospel is a lot more comfortable than the old one, but to make it this comfortable people have ignored God’s unalterable standards.  Without total repentance and an unconditional surrender we can’t experience the new birth.  Belief without obedience does not constitute “saving faith”.  Faith without works (obedience) is dead.  (James 2:26)

The truly good news is that anyone who is willing can go through the gate of Salvation and be on a guaranteed line that leads to eternal life with our Savior Jesus Christ.  Follow Him, trust Him, and obey Him.

                                                                         Bob Gunderson


On February 16, 2018 my daughter Roselyn was married to Nathan Burns.  Family and friends gathered to witness and celebrate this event.  Most notably we requested the presence and blessings of God as these two precious souls were united in holy matrimony.

Marriage, especially godly marriage, is under intense attack in our culture.  The very definition, intent, and purpose of marriage have been maligned and distorted.  I am afraid that even our Christian young people are lacking in knowledge of the importance and purpose of marriage.  In light of this I have attempted to briefly share my insight concerning the importance and purpose of marriage from a Biblical perspective.  Since brevity is not one of my strong points (it’s only six pages long) I must refer you to this web page.


When Jesus began his earthly ministry he was introduced by John the Baptist as the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world. Significantly the first people to be told of Jesus birth were shepherds who were watching over their lambs. Since he was also the Son of God, his Father’s messengers were the first to herald the news.

The celebration of this event we call Christmas.

Merry Christmas

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