Monthly Archives: April 2022

Why Did Jesus Die?

Why Did Jesus Die?


  • Atonement for Sin

To make atonement for sins and provide forgiveness, God set up a system of sacrifices in the Old Testament. This was a temporary system until a lamb could be provided that would be sacrificed once for all. The word atonement in the Old Testament means to cover, as with pitch or asphalt. As we move into the New Testament Jesus came to us as that perfect Lamb that would be slain for the removal of sin. The word “atonement” that is used in the New Testament has an entirely different meaning than that same word used in the Old Testament. The meaning of the Greek word translated “atonement”, means to reconcile. It is a book keeping term meaning to pay the debt.

Often in New Testament theology the term “atonement” is used in reference to Jesus making payment for our debt of sin. Jesus’ shed blood on the cross was the only possible sacrifice that could have paid that debt, once for all. So the answer of the question is best answered by Jesus himself.

“for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins.” (Mt 26:28 NAS)

Throughout the teachings in the New Testament this truth is repeated.

“In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;” (Eph 1:7 AV)

“In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:” (Col 1:14 AV)

“And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.” (Heb 9:22 AV)

“And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” (1Jo 2:2 AV)

Jesus died as atonement for our sins. Simply put this is the only reason Christ died. Christ died for our sins because He was the only sacrifice that would have been sufficient. It was necessary that Jesus become a man to fulfill the standard of being a perfect and sinless sacrifice. The Scripture plainly tell us that without this sacrifice there is no forgiveness of sins and we were all destined to die for our own sins.


4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5  even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),” (Eph 2:4-5 NAS)

Salvation comes through faith and repentance, leading us to a new birth in which we become spiritually alive in Christ. Our bodies are not redeemed and will eventually die. But we await the day of Christ’s return in which we will be given resurrected bodies that will not decay and die.

It was the atonement for our sin that made it possible that we could be cleansed from all unrighteousness. This is what made it possible that God could fill us with His Holy Spirit. This gives us power over our flesh that we can walk in the Spirit in newness of life.

I briefly remind you of these things as I present correction for those who claim healing in the atonement.

Sound Doctrine

1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2  Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4  And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2Ti 4:1-4 AV)

Correcting unsound doctrine is not easy. When a doctrine has been embraced it can become part of people’s identity. That is why it is important to correct unsound teaching before it becomes ingrained. For doctrine to be sound it must first be supported by Scripture. In addition it cannot be in conflict with Scripture. I mention both of these because people can build a case for a doctrine being supported by Scripture purely through logic, often lacking any instance of a clear reading from Scripture itself.

Is Healing in the Atonement?

Through the years the idea that healing was in the atonement has taken root in some Christian circles. In the early part of the century the Pentecostal movement swept the country. There was a revival of faith and many experienced a move of God’s Spirit and saw the power of the Spirit manifest as it was witnessed in the Book of Acts. Often people were healed of sickness and disease. God’s power to save and heal was found to be just as real today as it was in the Book of Acts.

One of the teachings to come out of this movement was that healing was in the atonement. This teaching became popular, teaching that just as we receive salvation by faith, we can also obtain physical healing by faith. They taught that since healing was in the atonement it was paid for on the cross.

The problem is that the Scripture does not teach that healing is in the atonement. Likewise people are not healed simply because they believe and put their faith in that belief. The confusion comes in when people are not careful with God’s Holy Word. The following scripture was used to prove this teaching.

24  and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed. 25  For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls.” (1Pe 2:24-25 NAS)

By extracting, “by His wounds you were healed”, teachers declared that we are healed by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. In other words healing is in the atonement. But if we keep everything in context it becomes obvious that this is talking about a spiritual healing. It says that Jesus bore our sins on the cross so that we might die to sin and live righteously. This is all about the new birth, dying and being raised in newness of life. Our healing that is provided in the atonement cures us of our sin sickness. Previously we were continual straying like sheep, but now we can have a restored a healthy stable relationship between us and the Guardian of our souls. The atonement was for sin and sin alone.

God Can Heal

Jesus died to make atonement for sins because there was no other way to provide forgiveness from sin. But Jesus did not have to die to be able to heal us of our sickness and disease. God healed people in the Old Testament. He even raised the dead in the Old Testament. But without Christ’s sacrifice of atonement, sin could not be cured. Sickness, disease, and death are the results of sin.

Before Christ died He demonstrated that He could heal every disease, cast out demons, and raised the dead. But all of these things were as temporary as the sacrifices of lambs were for sin. Jesus sent out his disciples and they also healed the sick and cast out demons. Obviously it was not necessary for Christ to die for divine healing to take place.

After Christ Died For Sins

There was a dramatic increase in healings after Christ died for our sins. Of course the reason for this is obvious. The atonement for sins by the shedding of Christ’s blood washed our sins away and cleansed us from all unrighteousness. Clean vessel provided temples for the Holy Spirit to dwell in. The Gospel went out in the power of the Spirit in the lives of believers. Through the gifts of the Spirit the love of God was demonstrated through miracles, signs, and healings. Today that power still works through God’s servants and healing is one of the ways God uses to promote His purpose.

So we could say that healings are taking place because of the atonement Christ made for sin. But we need to be careful that we do not claim that healing is in the atonement. Physical healing does not save us, nor is it permanent. God has a plan that is much better than simply repairing our mortal bodies, although He does just that at times. God’s plan is to give us an immortal body, one that will not be subject to death and disease.

The Danger of False Doctrine

I have shown you from Scripture that Christ’s atonement for sin was for the purpose of saving us from eternal damnation. Through the atonement we are not only saved from the penalty of sin but also from the bondage of sin. By faith we act in obedience and repent of our sins and are filled with God’s Spirit. By faith we pursue a life of righteousness, knowing that when our salvation is complete we will receive a new immortal body. By faith we can have assurance that we are indeed saved. But if physical healing is part of the atonement then we are in trouble.

If salvation and physical healing are both in the atonement then both would have to be received by faith. Just as you trusted in Jesus for your salvation you could trust Him for your physical healing. Because I have been in congregations all my life that taught this doctrine, I know that faith for healing does not always result in a person being healed. Even as a child I wondered why the preacher teaching that God will heal you was holding on to a pair of glasses. I watched people struggling with their faith because they were not healed. Why weren’t they healed? Did they lack faith? Even those who were healed eventually got sick and died.

The doctrine of salvation is clearly taught in Scripture. Faith in God’s Word is how we can have assurance of salvation. If our physical healing is also in the atonement then we can have full assurance that we will be healed if have faith. Since most people are not healed because of lack of faith, how do we know they have enough faith for salvation? Is it easier to believe for salvation than for healing? Is not salvation a greater miracle? Unless we just ignore this dilemma, we have just created doubt about our faith for salvation. Yet God wants us to have a strong assurance of our salvation.

Sound doctrine must be backed by Scripture. Often people think their doctrines are backed by Scripture simply because of their logical conclusions. But sound doctrine cannot be in conflict with Scripture as this doctrine does. There are teachings about physical healing, but inserting healing into the atonement is a violation of Scriptural integrity. There is a lot of false doctrine that muddies the water of sound Christian teaching. Much of that can be cleared up if we simply keep things in context.

Let’s not cheapen the precious blood of Jesus by applying it where it is not needed. God would not have sacrificed His Only Begotten Son unless there was no other way to make atonement for sin. God has provided all of our physical needs for us while we were sinners. Jesus fed the multitude, cast out demons, healed the sick, and even showed his power over all of creation. But to make atonement for sin He shed His precious blood.


       Bob Gunderson




The Insurrection


It was the 10th day of Nisan in the year 33 AD.  People from all over the Empire were gathering in the capitol of a small nation to celebrate Passover. As the preparations for the celebration were proceeding a large crowd gathered to welcome the great Prophet and Teacher as He approached the entrance of the city. As the Teacher approached, riding on a donkey, the crowd began to praise God and sing: “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord; Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

The multitude that gathered around him began laying their coats in the road and cutting branches from the trees and laying them before Him. But there were Pharisees in the crowd that were offended and demanded that Jesus rebuke His disciples to silence them. He answered them and said, “If these are silenced the rocks will cry out”.

Of course the Pharisees would not let the matter drop. It is an attempted insurrection the claimed. “We must stifle this attempted overthrow of the government by these peasants. We must investigate this matter, uncover this evil plot, and bring the leaders to justice.”

Over the course of the next four days they plotted and interrogated those involved trying to forcing the matter into the courts. Obvious to them, this was a giant conspiracy to overthrow the government, for the majority favored the leader of this insurrection. And when this teacher rose up and disrupted the commerce in the temple in preparation for Passover, it was clear something must be done. Surely there was only one way to undermine this conspiracy and they began plotting how they could put this Teacher to death.

The breakthrough finally came when one of the inner circle agreed to betray the Teacher. Under the cover of darkness they made an arrest and staged court hearings behind closed doors. Their planning and plotting was paying off, for they had arranged for false witnesses to collaborate their accusations. With a slight twisting of the teachers own words they were able to present evidence of an insurrection. For the most part the Teacher remained silent offering no defense. When finally the hearings reached the highest court the Teacher was confronted with a straight forward question: Are you the King of the Jews? To the surprise of all in attendance the Teacher simply admitted that He was the rightful King.

On the 14th of Nisan in the year 33 AD the Pharisees were convinced that they had succeeded in stifling the insurrection and conspiracy of this Teacher riding on a donkey and His palm waving followers. Jesus was crucified on a cross and died. For a while they thought that their positions of power in the government were secure and the effects of this man’s teaching would soon disappear.

What happened three days later would rock their world and forever change the course of history. Jesus resurrection changed everything and remains the testimony of the rightful ruler over all of creation. It is this testimony that inspires and empowers His palm waving followers to this day. Though His conquering of death, hell, and the grave, Jesus became our Savior and will soon return to judge the usurpers of His authority on earth. Jesus will overthrow the conspiracy of those who plot with Satan to discredit Jesus and His followers. The actual insurrection will be exposed and judged. And we will wave our palm branches and cry, “Our Lord reigns, Our Lord reigns.”

The plot of the Pharisees in AD 33 backfired and the Gospel of Jesus Christ continues to spread throughout the world producing faith and hope in all that will believe in the love of God that will conquer all.