Monthly Archives: January 2019

Reflection About Jesus Birth

Christmas is the celebration of the most important event in all of our history.  Many of the aspects of this event are indeed extraordinary.  Encounters with angels, prophetic dreams containing instructions, an aged woman having her first child, a virgin conceiving, prophetic utterances, signs in the heavens, wise men from the east that correctly read the signs in the heavens, all these things are extraordinary in themselves.  It is also extraordinary that the details of these events were recorded hundreds of years before they transpired.

But if we consider the setting for this event it is extraordinarily ordinary.  A manger, in an animal shelter, in a small village, in hilly sheep country, at a time when the census is the talk of the town, all of this seems to be simply a plain ordinary setting.  But this is the place this incredible event took place.

If we consider the participants in this event, they don’t seem to be that impressive either: An old priest and his barren wife, a carpenter from Nazareth, a young maiden, shepherds, Magi from the east, Simeon (a devout old man), and Anna (an aged widow woman).  We don’t even know the names of the shepherds or of the Magi.  We know the names of Joseph, Mary, and the other participants in this unfolding event only because of this event.  These were for the most part just ordinary people living their ordinary lives until Heaven came down and glory filled their souls.

When we reenact this wonderful event we dress it up somewhat from what it must have been like.  We bring the clean hay and a new manger into the room, but leave the droppings where they lay.  Mary is well groomed in clean clothing, rather than showing the reality of a woman who had travel far on a donkey and had just given birth.  Joseph is tall and handsome.  The shepherds in their flowing robes don’t look like men who have just come from the fields during lambing season.  The wise men show up about one and a half years early, but it is ok because the stable is as clean as your kitchen anyway.  Even if we were able to accurately recreate this event, the setting and people would not seem as ordinary to us as it would have seemed for them.

It is in this humble setting among these ordinary people that this extraordinary event took place.  First we have the angel appearing to Zacharias as he ministers.  He is struck dumb because of his unbelief causing wonder among the people.  Then Elisabeth conceives in her old age.  An Angel appears to Mary and she accepts her role as mother of our Messiah.  Then there are the prophetic utterances by Elizabeth and Mary.  Then God communicates to Joseph in a dream instructing him to take Mary as his wife.  God used Caesar to situate Joseph in Mary in Bethlehem at the appointed time to fulfill prophesy. Place was found for Christ to be born in a stable.   God heralded the birth of His Son by angels to shepherds and directed them where to go.  Magi saw his star in the heavens and determined to go and worship Him.  Simeon and Anna were directed by the Holy Spirit to prophesy over the baby Jesus.  Extraordinary things were happening in this humble setting among ordinary people, because God had come to tabernacle among men.

I have referred to the participants in this event as ordinary people, and they were in one sense.  But in another sense they were distinguished.  The Scripture does not distinguish them by their physical traits or by special deeds that they had accomplished, or even special positions that they held.  Rather they were distinguished by their character traits.  For example: Zacharias and Elisabeth are referred to as both being righteous before I God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord, blameless.” (Lu 1:6 AV)   Likewise, all of these participants are righteous, faithful, and obedient to the leading of the Lord.  The things that distinguish these people have to do with their character.  The Scripture does not reveal any unique traits that any of these people were born with or special talents that they may have.

The character traits that distinguish the participants in this unfolding event are not the result of any special endowments.  Rather their distinguishing traits are the results of their response to the Word of God.  It is their faith and confidence in God’s Word that inspired them to live by the instruction handed down from heaven.  It was their love of God and obedience to his Word that formed the character of these people.  It was to this small group of faithful trustworthy people that God entrusted the care of His Son and to herald His coming.

It is noteworthy that the character traits of this small group of people are the traits that God wants to develop in all of His children.  Faithfulness and obedience to God’s Word should be the distinguishing traits foundational to everyone who carries the name of Christ.  It is not that God can’t use those people that seem to be endowed with features that attract people’s attention.  It is just that God seems to more often use just ordinary people who don’t have the burden of drawing attention to themselves.  Indeed anyone who is willing to walk in obedience to God following Christ will be used of God.  For the light and love of God are revealed to the World through those who live and walk in accord with the Law of God.  In a dark and sinful world these people may seem peculiar, but among those who love God they are common, common people who become participants in extraordinary events.

           Bob Gunderson