Monthly Archives: March 2018

New Train, Old Train of Thought

NSW’s $2 billion new trains are too wide to get through tunnels

A NEW fleet of trains promises to offer greater comfort and safety. But a glaring error means they can’t even operate properly.

This story sparked an array of thoughts in my head.  My train of thoughts was more on a spiritual line though, kind of like “Pilgrim’s Progress” on a train.  These new trains are only .2 meters larger than the old ones, but still they have a big problem.  They cannot operate these new trains because there isn’t that much tolerance on the lines they will be traveling.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:” (Eph 2:8 AV)

Let me move the conversation over to our Christian journey.  When we become a Christian we start on a new journey going a different direction than we were before.  Our destination is a dwelling place with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, where we will live forever with Him.  There is every reason in the world to get on this train.  We live in a sin infested world that is scheduled for destruction.  The gospel train will bring us to a perfect place of peace and righteousness.

There are a lot of trains starting out in a lot of different directions, but there are only two destinations.  Either we end up with God for eternity, or we end up separated from Him for eternity.  Either we will dwell in peace and righteousness, or we will suffer the consequences of sin in hell.  Because these two destinations are so dramatically different and permanent, it would behoove us to get on the right train.

There is only one train going the right direction.  For this reason God marked the way very clearly so there would be no doubt.

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (Joh 14:6 AV)

Make no mistake about this, there is only one way, and that is by following Jesus.  Peter laid out the path of salvation simply and clearly on the day of Pentecost.  Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Those who had gathered on that day of Pentecost understood the word Peter was giving them.  They were acquainted with God’s Law and were confronted with their sin.  These are not mere word Peter is saying.  It is important that we understand repentance, baptism, and how God removes sin.  It is important that we understand the gift of the Holy Spirit and His importance in our life.  I won’t go into depth explaining these now for fear of you losing my train of thought.

What caught my eye in this story was that in manufacturing these new trains someone had neglected to pay attention to some unalterable standards.  These trains had to travel through tunnels and by objects at high speeds without a possibility of crashing to reach their destination.  The size of the train needed to be determined by the size of the tunnel, not the comfort of the passengers.  In an effort to modernize this train they forgot the most important feature, that it conforms to the standards of the route it was intended to travel.

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” (Mt 7:13-14 AV)

I hope you can see the parallel as you read this scripture.  Notice that it is a “strait gate”, not a straight gate.  Immovable objects create a strait.  Anything going through a strait must conform to that narrow opening because of things that are fixed.  That is the description of the gate that leads to eternal life, and the path that follows is likewise a narrow pathway.  It is because the gate is a strait that Jesus said that few would find it, because it is a standard that must be conformed to.

Going back to NSW’s 2 Billion dollar trains we will see that there are those people that are going to try to make the trains work.  First they propose lowering the standard for minimum clearance in tunnels.  Next they are going to notch the tunnels at strategic spots where the trains may lean while going around corners.  Problem solved, right?  I hope so, or people are going to crash and burn.

But on our Gospel Train no one is going to lower the standards and no one is going to notch the tunnels.  The strait and the narrow exist because of the very attributes of God.  God didn’t place obstacles to make the way harder.  Those obstacles are there because of who He is.  And it is because of those things that this way will safely lead us to eternal life and peace with God.  If we truly understood the commandments of God we would realize that their intent is not to restrict us, but to keep us safe and secure on our journey.

“Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.” (Lu 13:24 AV)

I have watched for many years now as people have tried to modernize the old Gospel Train.  It seems like as time goes on fewer and fewer people are getting on the old one.  A lot has been invested in making the new trains up to date and comfortable.  The problem is that in the process they have had to change the standards and the new train just won’t make it through the gate.  Still there are those that insist that they can make it work.  People often pile on these new trains that either aren’t going anywhere or are going down the wrong tracks.

If you follow the account in Matthew you will see two things that discourage people from getting on the right train.  First Jesus warns us about false prophets.  These are people who will tell you that you are on the right train when you are not.  They use flatteries and false promises enticing people by telling them what they want to believe.  Then there are the self righteous that have set their own standards of right and wrong.  They think that by attaining their own standard they will be able to get on the train.

But Jesus does not leave us wondering, ignorant of how to enter the gate and begin our journey to eternal life.  He clearly says that those who do the will of His Father are the ones through the gate.  He goes on to describe those people who go through the gate, as those who listen or hear His sayings and then do them.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:” (Eph 2:8 AV)

Bear with me for a little longer as we talk about the two things that are required for both entering the gate that leads to eternal life and finishing the journey that gets us there.  First there is faith; simply put it is putting our confidence in Jesus.  It is essential for salvation because we have to die and trust Him to raise us in newness of life.  Once we get started on the journey we need to keep trusting Him every step of the way because it isn’t always easy and we can’t see what is around the bend.  Saving faith is realized and exercised by three important elements: Belief, obedience, and faithfulness (steadfastness or endurance).  Saving faith gets us through the gate and keeps us on track until we reach our destination.

And then there is grace, the unmerited favor of God.  Christ died for us while we were yet sinners.  He died once for all of us.  Without the grace of the cross we could not get through the strait gate.  There is no room for sin to go through the gate.  That is why it is so hard to get through the gate.  We have to be stripped naked and our sin cleansed off of us, only the blood of Christ could do that for us.  The hard part for most people at this point is to be willing to let go of it all, in essence die to self.  The precious blood of Christ does not cleanse an unrepentant soul.

Once we make it through the Gate of Salvation we can rest assured we are on the right train.  But like any newborn we have a lot to learn and long journey ahead of us that is not without perils.  God grace continues to lift us, strengthen us, correct us, and guide us to our final destination.  The train we now ride on is not designed with all the comforts of heaven.  Its purpose is to get us to our destination safely.  A train bloated with frills would infringe upon the train’s standard minimum clearance for going through those tight spots.  The role of grace is revealed in God’s patience and longsuffering as we go through our maturing process.  His grace is also there if we sin, he is faithful and just to forgive us of our repented sin.  It is the grace of God that enables us to live righteously before Him.  That grace continually exposes itself in the form of instruction, correction, reproof, and forgiveness.

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” (2Ti 4:3-4 AV)

There is a new gospel being preached today and I am afraid the spirit of it has infiltrated many churches.  Jesus likened our salvation to a new birth.  You must be born again.  The dramatic nature of it caught Nicodemus by surprise.  But the new gospel is not nearly as dramatic.  It says, Jesus loves you and wants to be your friend.  People are drawn by a message of love and acceptance.  Trust Jesus and your life will be better.  People are encouraged to join in worship and praise to a God who loves you.  Since you have joined us and expressed your love to God you are a Christian and God is going to bless you.

Certainly this is a much gentler approach to the Gospel.  Avoiding the uncomfortable talk about sin and what it is or isn’t seems to be attracting more people.   Without expressing it in these words people have come to accept the evolutionary concept of salvation.  Gradually by the influence of the church and the conviction of the Holy Spirit people will gradually give up sin and sinning in their lives.  This is somewhat less dramatic than a new birth and a total repentance of sin.   But are these people really saved?

I am suggesting that the people on these more comfortable trains haven’t passed through the gate of salvation and are not on the tracks of eternal life that leads to heaven.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1Jo 1:9 AV)

It seems like the convenient gospel today embraces the forgiveness of sins now and delays the cleansing from all unrighteousness until we get to heaven.  It works out good for those who aren’t quite ready to give up all their unrighteousness.  Yet it provides them comfort that in the end it will be alright.  The problem is that it just doesn’t’ line up with Scripture.  Until we are cleansed from all unrighteousness we can’t even make it through the gate.  This comfortable train just can’t follow Jesus, it don’t fit.

The new 2 Billion dollar trains are a lot more comfortable that the old ones were, but they can’t legally take you to your destination.  Their dilemma is simply the results of people ignoring some basic unalterable standards.

Likewise the modern gospel is a lot more comfortable than the old one, but to make it this comfortable people have ignored God’s unalterable standards.  Without total repentance and an unconditional surrender we can’t experience the new birth.  Belief without obedience does not constitute “saving faith”.  Faith without works (obedience) is dead.  (James 2:26)

The truly good news is that anyone who is willing can go through the gate of Salvation and be on a guaranteed line that leads to eternal life with our Savior Jesus Christ.  Follow Him, trust Him, and obey Him.

                                                                         Bob Gunderson


On February 16, 2018 my daughter Roselyn was married to Nathan Burns.  Family and friends gathered to witness and celebrate this event.  Most notably we requested the presence and blessings of God as these two precious souls were united in holy matrimony.

Marriage, especially godly marriage, is under intense attack in our culture.  The very definition, intent, and purpose of marriage have been maligned and distorted.  I am afraid that even our Christian young people are lacking in knowledge of the importance and purpose of marriage.  In light of this I have attempted to briefly share my insight concerning the importance and purpose of marriage from a Biblical perspective.  Since brevity is not one of my strong points (it’s only six pages long) I must refer you to this web page.