Monthly Archives: October 2014

Why I Believe

Why I Believe

In my last post I tried to get us thinking about what we believe, to analyze and determine whether or not we really believe it.  I would like us to continue with this train of thought and put some serious thought into why we believe what we believe.

Simply put, we should believe because the thing we believe is known to be true.  Reality and experience show us that we as humans have a tendency to believe what we want to be true.  And we have a tendency to ignore or disbelieve those things that we don’t want to be true.  Let’s not forget that truth matters.  We can entertain a measure of wishful thinking without harm as long as we don’t confuse it with reality.  If we ignore a road sign warning to slow down for an upcoming corner, we will get hurt, even if we are listening to a Christian radio station.  Truth matters especially concerning those beliefs that direct our actions.

An atheist was asked if it would be possible that he was wrong and there really was a God.  He honestly admitted that it was possible that there could be a God he does not know about.  He then turned the question around and asked the Christian if possibly he could be wrong and there was no God.  The Christian replied, “No, it is not possible.  The atheist was somewhat taken back and said, “Aren’t you being closed minded?”  “Absolutely not”, said the Christian.  If you told me that you had a wife, I may not believe you, and I could be wrong.  But if you are telling the truth then you could never doubt that you had a wife, because you know her.  In the same way, if we have had an experience with Christ, we know that He is real.  We may not be able to prove that to someone else, but for us there can be no doubt.

When it comes to matters of belief, truth matters.  But how do we determine truth?  And what is truth?  These questions will continually challenge us until we understand the foundation of truth.  Truth is that which is real.  Truth is that which never changes.  These two statements also describe God.   If we can accept this, then we have laid the foundation for understanding truth.  God’s testimony of Himself to Moses articulated this by declaring, “I Am“.  Later the writer of Hebrews reveals the final testimony of those who have put their faith in God.  “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” (Heb 13:8 AV)  God is truth.  He is and he never changes.  That is why Jesus was able to say, “… I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (Joh 14:6 AV)

The key to understanding all truth is to start with the foundation and build our understanding from there.  If we ignore this foundation and begin with our present perception, we will end up far from the truth, lost is space.  Truth can from this perspective appear to be relative for we have lost our anchor to reality.  “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (2Ti 3:7 AV)  But if we hold on to our foundation, the knowledge we gain will continually be building our understanding that will remain constant and true as our perception broadens.

When we say, “I believe”, it should be securely founded in the Word of God.  This is that foundation that never changes and forever remains true.  We live in a time of greatly increased knowledge.  When viewed through the lens of the Word of God, our perception of God is greatly enhanced.  His beauty, power, majesty, grace, mercy, and love come into focus as never before.  But those who have lost touch with the foundation of all that is, remain in a state of constant turmoil.  Truth for them is only momentary and rampant speculation marks the order for the day.  For them there is no peace, for truth is illusive.

Sadly this worldly approach to truth has permeated the Church.  There are those who would interpret the Scriptures based upon what society has become.  We should rather interpret what society has become from the Scriptures then we would understand the truth of who we are.  God is truth.  His Word is truth.  Truth does not change.  I can rest assured that what I believe is true, if I believe it because God said it.  God’s Word is truth.

“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (Joh 17:17 AV)

“Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, [then] are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (Joh 8:31-32 AV)