Monthly Archives: September 2014


I believe … , are often our words preceding our declarations.  Yet, if we are honest we would have to acknowledge that as we have aged some of our beliefs have changed through the years.  Why is this?

Most notably is the fact that as time goes by we gain knowledge and that knowledge changes our perception of things.  Our opinions, ideas, and yes, our beliefs, are molded by what we think we know.

How do our beliefs effect our actions?  When we observe how people conduct their lives, is it a reflection of what they say they believe?  What really is the basis or foundation of what we believe?  How do we find and distinguish truth in an age of a tremendous volume of, and often conflicting, information?  These are questions that we should address, but often these questions go unanswered.  We all have opinions.  Usually people will refer to the opinions that they feel strongly about as beliefs.  Opinions of lesser importance to them may be prefaced with, “I think …”.

The effects of our beliefs on our actions can be very different with different people.  Certainly personality plays a role in the individual response to a particular belief.  But I think the greater differences are brought about by the accumulation of beliefs a person has embraced.  For example: Most people believe that it is wrong to steal.  The Bible says you shall not steal.  But many people justify stealing and unrepentantly do it.  Why?  Because the simplicity of the commandment is undermined by other beliefs a person has embraced as truth.  They may believe that the circumstances justify their breaking of the commandment.  Or they may simply believe that it doesn’t matter because they won’t get caught.  Or they may believe that they will be forgiven for their sin.  There are a multitude of reasons or beliefs that may undermine their resolve to simply obey God’s commandment.

If our beliefs are not true, then they are false.  Since our beliefs effect our actions and our actions are a reflection of our beliefs, shouldn’t we be intent upon seeking truth?  Shouldn’t we care if our beliefs are really true?  And if we really care and are truly a seeker of truth, then don’t we have to answer the question: What is truth?  And if we have passionately held beliefs, then shouldn’t we know why we believe them?  Why do we believe what we believe?

Who we are, what we are becoming, and where we are going depends upon what we believe.  If what we believe is true, then we can know who we are, what we are becoming, and where we are going.  If what we believe is not true, then we are clueless as to what will become of us, or why it even matters.

Truth matters, and we should seek to make sure that it is the foundation of our beliefs.  Gaining knowledge and receiving wisdom will require us to make some minor adjustments, but our overall direction and destination are determined if we are founded on truth.  Truth is that which does not change.  God’s Word is Truth.