We are approaching the time of Passover and the celebration of the Lamb that was slain for us. This celebration was instituted by God at the time He was bringing Israel out of the bondage of slavery in Egypt to establish them as a nation unto God. Little did they know at the time that this was the pattern in which he would provide salvation to all who under the bondage of slavery to sin.
Their deliverance and life depended upon their care and obedience to the instruction of their Savior. A lamb was to be slain and the blood posted on their door posts. Their bread was to be unleavened and they were to be prepared to leave in haste.
Their destination was unknown by this generation who had experienced only the oppression of slavery in the land of Egypt. Their hasty departure and the facing of seemingly insurmountable circumstances in the following days and weeks ahead may have left them with little time for reflection. But these events were to establish a nation and forever set the course of history toward the fulfillment of the promise of God to Abraham. That promise was that through Abraham’s seed God would provide salvation to all of mankind, establishing an everlasting covenant in blood.
So monumental was this event and the pattern that it revealed, that God established a yearly celebration to commemorate this event forever. Every year we are to take time to reflect and celebrate the Passover. Of course all these things have become much more significant since Christ became our sacrificial Lamb. As we begin to prepare for this celebration let us take the time to reflect and consider the profound and life giving significance of this great event. As with Israel’s deliverance from Egypt, our salvation is dependent upon our obedience to the instructions of God. Our obedience is proof that we truly believe.